“I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I promise it won’t be boring. – The truth of course is that there is no journey. We are arriving and departing all at the same time. As you get older, the questions come down to about two or three. … Continue reading
Artist George Redhawk has put together a series of stunning GIFs, perfectly looped and beautifully haunting. Even more incredible is that Redhawk is legally blind. “With the use of visual aides and computer softwares that aide the visually impaired, [Redhawk] began to explore the realm of photo manipulation with a desire to … Continue reading
This is NOT meant to be a fear mongering piece. It is a pragmatic analysis which is merely meant to incite discussion. The first section may appear trite to some. But bear with me. For those of us who are awake, this could be a good time to start preparing? I … Continue reading
By now, I’m sure most of you have heard about the 5 holistic doctors who have recently died in questionable (at times murderous) ways. If not, you can view the recent article below. Why does it seem being a holistic doctor in 2015 is an occupational hazard? The answer, my … Continue reading
By now, the entire internet has realized that Deep Dream, Google’s artificial neural network, is capable of some pretty trippy images. But what happens when you run a movie about acid trips through the acid trip generator? Fear and Loathing, the way it was meant to be seen! Some sinister Github user recently published … Continue reading
Supaman-Native American Rapper Supaman-Prayer Loop Song Supaman dances at Rocky Boy Pow Wow A Tribe Called Red-DJ’s & Producers A Tribe Called Red-Electric Pow Wow Red Eagle-Rapper & Activist Red Eagle-Song Of Survival
Folks. We have been lied to our entire lives. We have been conditioned to believe communicating with animals is impossible. We’ve been told things like telepathy and remote viewing are nonsense. We have been taught to think within the confines of a tiny little box. The powers that be have … Continue reading
This video may very well overload the internet… Otto Von Shirach, rapper Blowfly, and other Miami artist have come together to create one of the most bizarre and amazing videos the internet has seen in some time. Pineal Warriors will be sure to go viral this year and set a high … Continue reading
Folks, It has been some time since something has impressed me as greatly as this new film by Francis Richard Conolly. JFK to 911 (below) is absolutely INCREDIBLE. I am utterly blown away by the scope, insight, and revelations this investigator has managed to harness. I am as stunned as … Continue reading
We all knew this was coming. Nevertheless, it’s still shocking to see it slowly unfold before our eyes. Soon this will start happening on the internet as a whole. Our window for sharing Truth online is slowly closing on our necks. Those of you who follow me on Facebook or … Continue reading