By now, I’m sure most of you have heard about the 5 holistic doctors who have recently died in questionable (at times murderous) ways. If not, you can view the recent article below. Why does it seem being a holistic doctor in 2015 is an occupational hazard? The answer, my … Continue reading
By now, the entire internet has realized that Deep Dream, Google’s artificial neural network, is capable of some pretty trippy images. But what happens when you run a movie about acid trips through the acid trip generator? Fear and Loathing, the way it was meant to be seen! Some sinister Github user recently published … Continue reading
Congress quietly ends federal government’s ban on medical marijuana. Fiery-Cannabis-by-DSMeskalito Tucked deep inside the 1,603-page federal spending measure is a provision that effectively ends the federal government’s prohibition on medical marijuana and signals a major shift in drug policy. The bill’s passage over the weekend marks the first time Congress … Continue reading
Bill Gates Foundation Announces Implantable Remote-Controlled Contraceptive Microchip That Can Last Up To 16 Years Bill Gates, one of the world’s most notable (or notorious) billionaires is at it again, announcing a remote controlled implantable birth control chip that could last up to 16 years. One of the New World … Continue reading
“A special Christmas gift for that enlightened someone who already has everything! Ayahuasca | Shipibo Jungle Set’ available at a Toys ‘R’ Us near you!” Hahaha… If only it were true. This photoshopped meme art done by ( actually stems from an earlier incarnation as an album cover for a band … Continue reading
This is one of the most important posts I will ever make. The Amazon and it’s people are in serious peril. What is occurring there will have a grave effect on the rest of the world. Every day we lose ancient knowledge and medicines. This must be stopped… . . … Continue reading
W H A T I S C I C R E T ? Crazy new technology. Could this be inching us toward RFID? hmmm The Cicret App is the only intuitive, secure and free solution for those who want to chat, share and exchange safely with no chance of being … Continue reading
A dear friend of mine is struggling with whether or not to vaccinate his beautiful baby boy. He himself errs on the side of staying away from them. It is his wife who is pushing for it. It’s not her fault. She is likely scared and confused. It’s difficult to … Continue reading
Source: CNN Veteran: My search for a PTSD cure led me to the Amazon By Richard Stroder October 24, 2014 — Updated 1431 GMT (2231 HKT) STORY HIGHLIGHTS Richard Stroder joined the Marines at age 18 He says he was the target of harassment and, later, sexual assault Stroder suffered from PTSD … Continue reading
An interactive media installation created in collaboration with Mike Allison. A stretchedsheet of spandex acts as a membrane interface sensitive to depth that people can push into and create fire-like visuals and expressively play music. More information available at: Will be used in the performance piece Mizaru created with Kiori Kawai: … Continue reading