W H A T I S C I C R E T ?
Crazy new technology. Could this be inching us toward RFID? hmmm
The Cicret App is the only intuitive, secure and free solution for those who want to chat, share and exchange safely with no chance of being traceable.
The app is an innovative encrypted technology providing anonymity and full control on all contents you have shared, even after sending them.
F E A T U R E S Timer Edit Delete Pressing the « send » button won’t be a problem anymore. Define the life-time of your outbox contents, by duration or number of views. Remotely adjust whatever you sent. Remotely erase what you wrote. Pictures / Videos Documents Exchange whatever you want with whoever you want…
Store a file on your computer and remotely get it back on your smartphone via Cicret. Audio Notes Only those to whom you gave your ID Cicret can contact you. And vice versa.