It feels like one particular and precise color just got removed from the entire world.”
Joshua Ellis
“Some will take today harder than others, as we all have our firmament, our touchstones and our personal mythologies. We often articulate our own inner selves by dreams that artists and shaman reach for and bring back into the mundane. For many of a certain temperament, at a certain time in history, no-one spoke more clearly of inventing yourself during those cold war days, of the spark of love at the heart of alienation and emotional dislocation as David Bowie. He was, for me, my JFK, my Frank Sinatra, my Elvis, my Mohammed Ali. Hereon out, the passing of a stranger, maybe this legend or that, could affect me in varying degrees, as these things do, but I will never feel the way again I do at this moment, because for me, Bowie was my heavyweight champion of the world, the greatest of all time…”
Jon Browne
Friends, it seems we live in a time when enigmatic people are becoming extinct. Like exotic creatures. (At least those who are genuine and don’t “force” it) We live in a culture purposefully homogenized by the powers that be. Stripped of character. Vapid. Fake. Commodified. Mankind is led like a herd by the tastemakers and puppet masters. As well as imprisoned by the expectations of their jobs or “societal norms.” It’s certainly easier to control robots than free thinkers. People are afraid to be themselves; To stand out; To be individualistic. Many are so quick to follow the trends. Or simply don’t even consider the possibilities.
Now, I don’t expect everyone in the world to care about things like self expression, fashion, art, music, or decorating their homes for example. But to me, beauty and expression are being stamped out. Things which are literally vital to life and the development of humanity. And it seems the amount of people who shun herd mentality is rapidly shrinking.
As for society; I’ll never understand why someone would choose to be a walking billboard for a major corporation. Bags plastered with the word “Gucci” all over them??? Old Navy t-shirts??? Look around. Has anyone ever noticed how practically every new car looks nearly the identical? With a range of 5 bland colors? Or how cheap and ugly most new buildings are? Or how unimaginative, lazy, and mind numbing common clothing has become? Will people ever realize supporting these monstrous corporations is BULLSHIT, and how easily we can bring them down with our spending dollars? When we will say we’ve had enough of strip malls, chain stores, and fast food? Are “mom and pop” dead yet?
Aight, getting back on topic. I guess Bowie meant so much more to me than just his music and artistic impact. He was an incredible humanitarian. A social architect. A dream weaver. A champion of the underdog and the outcasts. His death, and others like him (Lemmy) is making me think about the dying breed I spoke of above. So much more is being lost here. And I believe, the loss of a much greater vital subterranean vibration is at stake.
What I’m getting at is really hard to convey in words. Somehow, when people of this caliber pass on, the human race gets another chink in the armor. There is something oddly comforting (for me at least) simply knowing that people like Bowie, are (were) roaming the earth; keeping things from falling grossly out of balance. It’s an intangible energetic thing.
I for one, promise to keep my fucking freak flag waving HIGH.
As far as I’m concerned, “weirdos” are actually the “normal” ones! I find people strange who are afraid to stand out or who suppress their inner self expression. I’d honestly wither away if I had to conform to live in a box. If someone prefers living minimally or quietly blending in, that’s totally fine. However much of the population isn’t like that. Most, in this age, have been conditioned to mock, slander, or attack those who are “different.” Sadly.
Anyway, this article is for anyone who wants to reminisce about one of the most charmed beings to ever walk the earth and grace the human race. Below is a collection of my personal favorite documentaries, videos, clips, paintings, interviews, and photographs for anyone who wants to be inspired, to cry, to laugh, or to learn about how to be a beautiful human being. In every possible way.
Lastly, I suppose it’s natural to have an iconic figure like this make one question one’s own mortality. Or life achievements/contributions. I know I am right now. But it’s only adding fuel to the fire…
A treat
This article is a work in progress. Due to issues with loading videos, editing text, and uploading photos, it’s pretty loose. Things will be sorted soon. After working on this for 8 hours straight, the author is exhausted, frustrated, and gutted…
Lee Sayer
The Story of Ziggy Stardust (BBC)
Sound and Vision (documentary)
VH1 Legends (documentary)
Sacred Triangle- Bowie, Reed, Pop (documentary)
Hang on to yourself (BBC documentary)
Under Pressure (article about isolated tracks with Freddie Mercury
Life on Mars (video)
Queen Bitch (BBC live 1972)
Ziggy Stardust (live concert)
Oh You Pretty Things (BBC live 1972)
Moonage Daydream
Starman (Top of the Pops live 1972)
Golden Years (Soul Train live)
Jean Genie (music video)
Rebel Rebel (Top of the Pops)
Space Oddity (video)
I’m Only Dancing (video)
Under Pressure (video)
Ashes to Ashes (video)
Heroes (video)
5 Years (BBC live)
Let’s Dance (video)