The 7 Primary Chakras
Located at the end of the spine between the anus and sex organs, the first chakra or root chakra is responsible for security and survival. Known as Muladhara, the root chakra is represented by the color red. The root chakra, when unbalanced can bring feelings of fear, and insecurity. If energies are most prominent in the Muladhara, food and sleep will be the most important factors in your life. A healthy root chakra will provide initiates with a grounded state, instilling security, loyalty, and self acceptance.
Seated in the sexual organs and kidneys/bladder, the second chakra or Svadisthana is responsible for creativity and reproduction. Represented by the color orange, Svadisthana is the source of creative impulse, both artistically and reproductively. If the second chakra is unbalanced, initiates may be experiencing problems with sexual organs or the kidneys and may exhibit un-empathetic emotions, guilt, lack of boundaries, and irresponsible relationship habits. When balance is returned to Svadisthana, initiates may channel a healthy attitude and level of commitment towards sexual functions, relationships, and creativity. Those with energy dominant in Svadisthana will be seekers of pleasure.
The third chakra is known as the solar plexus chakra or, Manipura. Manipura governs action and balance, and is located at the navel point or solar plexus. Being represented by the hue of yellow, Manipura is the center of personal power and commitment, where the strength for inner balance, inspiration, and good health can be channeled, when the chakra is balanced. The solar plexus chakra corresponds to organs of sustainability like the liver, gall bladder, spleen, adrenal glands, pancreas, & digestive organs, the solar plexus chakra when unbalanced will manifest emotions of anger, greed, shame, or despair. Those with energy prominent in Manipura will be people of action, with a great desire to achieve.
The chakra of love and compassion is known as the heart chakra or Anahata. The heart chakra is located in the middle of the chest on the breast bone at the level of the nipples, and is represented by the color green. A healthy heart chakra will manifest itself through compassion; kindness; forgiveness; service; and love. Signs of an unbalanced heart chakra include grief, attachment, fear of rejection, helper syndrome, or heartlessness. Those with energy dominant in the Anahata will be a creator, and desire to create more than other things.
The fifth chakra which is associated with the throat and thyroid, is the center for hearing and speaking the truth. Known as the throat chakra, Vishuddha is the center for truth, language, knowledge and the ability to communicate. The throat chakra is represented by light blue color. An unbalanced throat chakra will manifest itself in lethargy, weakness in expression, shyness, vocalization issues, insecurity, fear of others opinions and judgements. A balanced Vishuddha will bring initiates authenticity, inspiration, self expression and teaching.
Located between the eyebrows, the sixth chakra or Third Eye is the chakra of intuition, wisdom and identity and is located at the center of the brain, in the pineal gland. Represented by the color indigo, the Third Eye, when awakened and active will become the center of intuition and clairvoyance. Initiates will experience ease of concentration and determination, and will unlock powers of projection. Ones purpose will be will be revealed fully with an awakened third eye. Signs of a closed or unbalanced Third Eye include confusion, depression, and over-intellectualization.
The seventh chakra is known as the crown chakra, or Sahasrara. Represented by the color violet, the crown chakra has been referred to as the chakra of humility and vastness. Sahasrara is located at the top of the head. Known as the seat of the soul, the crown chakra is the connection with divinity and the entry point for higher consciousness where the higher self can incarnate into the body. When the crown chakra becomes active initiates may be able to understand our multidimensional nature and communicate with multidimensional beings. Typically as people age, their crown chakra closes with the onset of ego structures and “chitta”, otherwise known as mental chatter. When kundalini energy rises from the root chakra up the spine through the crown chakra, a full awakening may take place fully awakening the spirit within the body.
The Aura
The eighth chakra, known as the aura, surrounds initiates in a self generated electromagnetic field. The aura usually appears in the color of the initiates most prominent chakra but spiritual masters are reported to have an aura comprised of all the colors of the chakras, typically appearing white. Being shy, withdrawn, or vulnerable are signs of a weakened aura. A strengthened aura has the power to reflect negative influences as an energy shield for the other chakras. Powerful auras have the ability to influence the aura of others, often bringing a calming and transcendental presence to those surrounding the aura of the master. Initiates have the power to position and empower their aura, and other chakras so that their being vibrates their intention into reality; But these powers can only be acquired with daily practice of yoga and meditation.
Author | Arche, Xian
Sadhguru explains the Chakras in depth: