Amazon Shaman vs Western “Medicine”


  This is one of the most important posts I will ever make.  The Amazon and it’s people are in serious peril.  What is occurring there will have a grave effect on the rest of the world.  Every day we lose ancient knowledge and medicines.  This must be stopped… . . … Continue reading



WAKE UP AMERICA! Published on Nov 19, 2014 Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev recently announced that Russia will no longer import GMO products, stating that the nation has enough space, and enough resources to produce organic food. If the Americans like to eat GMO products, let them eat it then. … Continue reading

Doritos flavored Mountain Dew = DEWITOS???


I think I just vomited in my mouth a little bit. When MSG and genetically modified high fructose corn syrup collide… Sure. The world may be in chaos. The ISIS terror threat our government helped fund, arm and train may be growing at an exponential rate despite continued airstrikes (at … Continue reading

90 Year Old Man Faces Jail for Feeding Homeless?


Ninety-year-old man faces jail for giving food to homeless people???  If this happens, people had better take to the streets and riot for his release.  This man is a HERO! (see: video) Wed, 05 Nov 2014 A 90-year-old man is facing up to 60 days in jail for feeding the … Continue reading

PTSD Cure Found In the Amazon

Enduring Freedom

Source: CNN Veteran: My search for a PTSD cure led me to the Amazon By Richard Stroder October 24, 2014 — Updated 1431 GMT (2231 HKT) STORY HIGHLIGHTS Richard Stroder joined the Marines at age 18 He says he was the target of harassment and, later, sexual assault Stroder suffered from PTSD … Continue reading

One Seed Can Feed The World


It all started with one very big cabbage.  Now she supplies soup kitchens in 27 states. When Katie Stagliano was in the third grade, she brought home a cabbage seedling as a homework assignment. She cared for it and watched it grow to an abnormal size, then Katie started to … Continue reading

Turmeric Protects You Brain From Fluoride


April 9, 2014 | By WakingTimes   Fluoride is found everywhere today, from antibiotics to drinking water, no stick pans to toothpaste, making exposure inevitable. All the more reason why new research proving this common spice can prevent fluoride damage is so promising! Fluoride’s neurotoxicity has been the subject of academic debate … Continue reading

Bill Gates polio vaccine program causes paralysis


Bill Gates Polio Vaccine Program Caused 47,500 Cases of Paralysis Death Joe Samuel (4M),- In India, Monsanto hired Bollywood actors to promote genetically engineered cotton seed to illiterate farmers. Nana Petakar became a brand ambassador for Monsanto. The advertising has been called “aggressive, unscrupulous and false.” Bill Gates, heavily invested in Monsanto’s GMOs … Continue reading

Why Gardening Makes you Happier & Smarter


  photo: Lee Sayer with Aimee British study shows gardening can ward off depression and improve your mood If you’re feeling a little down, don’t reach for a glass of wine – grab your trowel and head to the flowerbeds instead. A spot of gardening will lift your spirits, a study … Continue reading