Over the recent years we have been moving further away from the pharmaceutical industry by taking small steps, if you recollect we did an article on how to cure a child from common ailments using an extract from five leaves. But today I’ve cooked up a bunch of spices and common food ingredients that you can use to keep good health and even help and protect you from a range of diseases.
It shouldn’t be surprising that some of the ingredients used in your food can even help protect you against terminal diseases. Lets start off with one of my personal favorites, Garlic.
I know a 70+ year old man who has no blood pressure issues and a perfect blood sugar level that he attributes to his habit of eating three to four raw garlic cloves daily. But this is not just a figment of his imagination, take a look at what this herb has to offer, apart from bad breath that is
One of Garlic’s main benefits is that it helps reduce Cholesterol. The Linus Pauling Institute’s review of several studies found that people who consumed garlic for three months had a 6% to 11% reduction in total cholesterol. Also since garlic is an antioxidant, it may prevent the oxidation of cholesterol in the arteries.
When you crush Garlic you are immediately greeted by the pungent spell, that is due to Allicin, which is responsible for its medicinal benefits. It’s said that the daily consumption of garlic can help lower heart disease risk by as much as 76 percent. It also thins the blood and hence cuts down on the chances of dangerous blood clots.
Even cancer fears Allicin, especially stomach and colorectal cancer as it flushes out carcinogens even before they can damage cell DNA. If that’s not enough, Garlic has super strong antibacterial and anti-fungal properties and can help with yeast infections, some sinus infections, and common cold.
What would we do without Turmeric – we have mixed it with warm milk for cold and cough, given Turmeric and sugar (to make it edible) for kids when they bruise themselves and as a quick fix for animal injuries.
Turmeric is well known to reduce inflammation, while in Indian medicine its also used to increase appetite and as a digestive aid. Turmeric gets its golden color from Curcumin. Curcumin is considered as a powerful anticancer agent and quells the inflammation that contributes to the growth of tumors. Yes, powerful lab studies suggest that Turmeric helps stop the growth and spread of cancer cells.
There are numerous studies that talk about the benefits of using Turmeric against cancer and animal tests show that it even helps protect from Alzheimer’s disease.
Ginger is such a powerful natural medicine that it finds itself not only in Ayurveda but also in the ancient Chinese medical texts. We have been using Ginger to treat cough and cold. It has anti-nausea properties and is a digestive aid. Ayurveda recommends eating raw ginger before meals for appetite as well as digestion.
While in modern times researches have found Ginger effect in combating inflammation and even in reducing the pain and swelling in people suffering from arthritis. Apart from these benefits, ginger can help with Migraines and may even prevent and slowing the growth of cancer. It’s good for the tummy and even makes a cup of tea so delightful to have.
Cinnamon packs a punch when it comes to fighting diabetes, it helps control blood sugar levels and also cuts down on triglycerides and total cholesterol.
Since it cuts down on the triglycerides and cholesterol its awesome for your heart and as a bonus its also rich in antioxidants. Along with a bunch of other spices, cinnamon has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties as well.
Another reason to add it into your diet is that its high in fiber and can also reduce heartburn in some people. Wow, bring on the cinnamon buns and rolls
Who hasn’t used cloves or clove oil to stop a tooth ache? Well with the kind of teeth I have, sticking cloves in my mouth has been part of the norm thanks to its numbing effect. But I wasn’t aware that even people suffering from Arthritis can get relief from the pain as it slows down the cartilage and bone damage caused by the disease.
Yet again, even cloves have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can protect one from heart disease, stave off cancer and also appear to improve insulin function. Cloves are also known to have killed certain antibiotic resistant bacteria.
I just wanted to include this informative image of the benefits of certain fruits ~
This is just a short list of herbs and spices with benefits that are still being uncovered. There are so many more that have positive effects on the human body, Basil, Coriander, Cumin, Mustard etc are all documented to boost our health and protect us from disease.
Eating healthy is a choice you make three times a day, its perhaps the easiest and most efficient way to fight disease. So what will you choose to do for your next meal?
Resources :
Garlic supplements reduce high cholesterol and decrease risk of heart disease
Garlic and Organosulfur Compounds
Clinical studies with curcumin
Everytime You Eat or Drink Image
10 Kitchen Spices with Healing Powers
10 Spices that Heal Cancer Diabeties and More
source: Fractalenlightenment.com